3 Things To Consider When Choosing Between Faux & Real Wood Blinds
When it comes to enhancing both the beauty and the comfort of your home at the same time, there are few things out there that can accomplish the task quite like new window blinds. Among window blinds, two of the most popular options all over the country are real wood blinds and faux wood blinds, and for good reason. While one is real and the other is fake, they both provide you with an elegant look for the interior of your home, as well as helping you better insulate the areas around your home’s windows against outside temperatures all while helping to control the amount of light and glare that enters your home. With that being said, why should you choose one over the other? That is a question that we get more often than you might think, and to help you find the answer, at Elite Window Coverings, we have taken the time to put together this short list of things you should take into consideration when choosing between real wood and faux wood blinds for your home. Our hope is that by going through and reading this short piece, you will have a better idea of which one is going to be the best option for you and your home based on your particular needs.
Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is something that many homeowners don’t take into account when they are looking for new blinds for their home, but the simple fact of the matter is that new blinds can help to better insulate your home. That being said, while both real and faux wood blinds will help to provide you with a bit of extra insulation around your windows, real wood is going to be more effective in doing so. If energy efficiency is high up on your list of priorities, real wood blinds might just be the way to go. On the other hand, if your windows are in good shape and you generally don’t have any issues with draftiness or energy loss around your home, faux wood blinds can be an equally attractive option.
Timelessness & Appeal
While faux wood blinds are able to mimic the look of real wood blinds, there is going to be a slightly noticeable difference, and in many cases, you simply won’t be able to achieve that same level of timeless natural beauty that you would be able to get from real wood. Additionally, the natural detailing of the wood used in your blinds is something that just can’t be replicated and will provide your blinds with something entirely unique to your home. If you care more about just having the look of real wood around your home, but you aren’t overly interested in the many small details that make it what it is, faux wood blinds can be an excellent choice, but if you want something that is truly going to stand out, real wood might be the better option.
Where Are The Blinds Going To Be Hanging?
When making the decision about whether or not real or faux wood blinds are going to be the better option for your home, it is important to consider where the blinds are going to be hanging. Wood blinds are an excellent choice for common areas around the house where they will be able to stand out, like living rooms and dining rooms, but in several other areas of the home, like your bathrooms, kitchen, garage, and basement, faux wood blinds might actually be the better choice. Part of this is due to the fact that several of these rooms have a generally higher humidity, which is less of a detriment to faux wood than it is to real wood. Over time, this moisture can start getting absorbed by your real wood blinds, causing them to warp, crack, split, or otherwise wear out. Because of the materials used in its construction, faux wood is much less susceptible to moisture, so if you are looking at having blinds installed in an area like this, faux wood might be your better choice.